Thursday, October 26, 2006


After six year old Alex’s brother was hospitalized earlier in the year, he decided he wanted to do a project to help the children at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Together, he and his mother thought of a wonderfully fun project to help. Our group had a tour of the Stuffington Bear Factory in Phoenix, where each child helped make a special bear to donate to the children at the hospital. Our tour of the factory taught us not only how the stuffed animals are made, but how the Teddy Bear got its name from President Theodore Roosevelt. What a fun way to have a history lesson! All together, our group donated 17 bears with birth certificates, along with coloring sheets, books and toys to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. A family visiting the United States from Japan also contributed 1,000 origami cranes, a common gift in Japan to wish well someone who is sick. This event received coverage in two newspaper articles in the Arizona Republic as well as a brief TV news segment on ABC 15.

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