Tuesday, January 1, 2008



Part of Superstition Farm’s larger Desert Open Space project, the R&S organic “keyhole” garden provides families an opportunity to learn about planting, maintaining, and harvesting a garden. A portion of our harvest will be donated to a local soup kitchen or shelter.

In August 2007, we dug a nine inch trench around the perimeter of the garden and began laying cement block to help keep burrowing bunnies out of our garden.

On September, we raised the dirt paths leading to the keyholes, edged them with rock, and began planting! This first planting included tomatoes and peppers in the salsa keyhole, carrots, scarlet runner beans, and onions.

By the end of September, we could already see some results of our hard work! Runner beans had sprouted (pictured right) along with some onions and carrots. We celebrated Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace by parading Shanti, our giant peace dove puppet, around the garden. Roots & Shoots groups all over the world flew their giant peace doves at the same time.

At Friday on the Farm , we had a booth near the garden where we showed visitors a picture story, "See How Our Garden Grows," showing how a patch of dirt was transformed into an organic keyhole vegetable garden. Next to us, Four Directions Permaculture and the Phoenix Permaculture Guild provided resources such as planting guides, composting tips, and rainwater harvesting information.

By November, the tomatoes and I'itoi onions were doing well, and the carrots were growing, but the lettuces had provided a feast for the local rabbits. We still needed to install our gates!

In December we met to construct a toddler play area adjacent to the garden where little ones can be contained and entertained safely while older siblings do more of the hands on service-learning.
By Spring 2008, the garden was thriving. Families continue to meet to plant, care for, and harvest the garden.

We welcome families and children from outside our group to join us in this adventure! Email for more info.

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