Monday, October 10, 2011


If your family is looking for fun service-learning projects to care for the environment, animals, and people, you've come to the right place. A program of Resources for Health, our group is part of the global network of Roots & Shoots groups affiliated with the Jane Goodall Institute. We re-launched in the Hillsboro/Beaverton/Aloha area in 2010 after seven very active years in the Phoenix Metro Area. Check out the postings below to see our group's history! We meet regularly on the first Friday monthly for discussion, reflection, and celebration of the service-learning projects of the past month. Roots & Shoots members can keep track of their volunteer hours to qualify for the President's Volunteer Service Award, which will be presented at our annual volunteer recognition event. Members also can attend the Pacific Northwest Roots & Shoots Summit with Dr. Jane Goodall. The most recent summit occurred on October 7, 2011. Check out the photos on our Facebook page and like us, too. Interested in joining the fun? Please contact us!


Jessie Hand said...

Anything going on for MLK Jr. Day?

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