Tuesday, February 10, 2009


In February, we took an interactive tour the Center for Native and Urban Wildlife (CNUW) at Scottsdale Community College to learn the value of natural desert habitats, native biodiversity, and their importance to humankind. In addition to their on-campus programming for elementary school students, CNUW also formerly grew native trees in their propagation yard for re-vegetation efforts in the McDowell Sonoran Preserves. Recent changes in the program’s focus have left the half acre propagation yard fallow. Our Roots & Shoots group asked permission to “play in the yard,” and with a grant from Wild Ones Seeds for Education we are re-vegetating the area with native plants, shrubs, and trees. So far, we have successfully planted prickly pear cacti and unsuccessfully transplanted native mesquite saplings form the neighboring community garden. Future plans include planting of xeriscape plants to demonstrate low water usage desert landscaping, planting of wild food plants to demonstrate the amount of food available from public places and backyards, planting seeds from Native Seeds / SEARCH to teach about protecting agro-biodiversity, and propagation of native trees for distribution to low income community gardens, households, and schools. CNUW also allows us to do a composting project in the prop yard. SCC Culinary Department student volunteers bring kitchen scraps to compost bins built out of reclaimed pallets. We add reclaimed tree trimmings to create layers of carbons in the compost pile.

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