Monday, July 26, 2010


Today we began our adoption of Rock Creek as part of Oregon Adopt-A-River, a partnership between SOLV and the Oregon State Marine Board. With only 0.018% of all the water on earth being usable fresh water, protection of our waterways is absolutely essential! We use water every day in almost everything we do, including drinking, growing food, producing power, and recreation. It's important to protect and clean our local waterways, as all water is connected through the water cycle.

Our small group was proud to leave no carbon footprint, traveling to and from our work site by bike. As we cleanup up the creek and its banks, we also harvested Himalayan blackberries and Oregon Grape. Although the blackberries are an invasive species which poses a threat to our environment, they make a delicious tart when combined with their native neighbors, Oregon Grape.

Benefits from this project included time spent enjoying nature, enhancement of our natural environment, improvement of watershed health, cardiovascular exercise, a lesson on invasive and native species, cooking exploration, and appreciation of healthy, local food.

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